Thursday, April 21, 2011

it's been a long time.

It's been a long time since my last post. I had planned to keep up with this more frequently but life got in the way. Hopefully things have settled and I will be able to do this like I had planned.

A lot has happened in the past few months. Our baby turned a year old. That was so bittersweet. I am blessed with such a sweet child. He is all I could ever need.

Brad and I are just started the P90X program. It is rigorous to say the least but I know it will pay off and get me the results I'm looking for. I want a long, healthy life. Staying fit is the only way to get there.

This is a short post; it's late and I'm tired.

I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updating and posting. It will get better.

We love you all.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a perfect tuesday.

today we have luke again, but only until 2. then we are planning to have a mommy, daddy and dawson day. i am not sure what we are going to get into, probably just some textbooks and frozen pizza. days off need to be spent being off sometimes. we are always on the go as it is. normally brad and i don't have the same days off. but i took some time off this week, so i have tuesday off with him. it will feel good to just be a family with nothing demanding any of us. no babysitter to take him to, no major assignments due today, and no cleaning that really needs to be done.

speaking of cleaning, the exterminators came and sprayed yesterday. said our little widow friend probably just found it's way inside. well, that's all fine and dandy. but i don't want her family coming inside, too.

i have an essay in english due that i really don't want to write. it's about literature for children. should be pretty easy considering where my feet are planted in life right now, but reading it and writing about it are two different things.

we bought paint for the house. it will be quite colorful i believe. i hope nothing goes wrong this time. we will have a virginia tech kitchen. i am really excited about that. there is a huge canvas print of a home game in the Alumni Hall store at the mall here, it's 800 dollars. it would be beautiful above our dining room table. but we can find better ways to spend 800 dollars right now. so we'll wait on that.

it seems like when you buy a house all you really want to do is eat the whole elephant with one bite. and when you aren't financially able to, it stinks. and you have to learn patience. it will all come together in time.

as for dawson today, he is an angel. his little mouth now opens and comes toward the spoon when you feed him. it is the sweetest thing. he woke up this morning around 8:15 a.m. i got him out of his crib and laid down with him. he watched the ceiling fan for a little bit then rolled back over to my chest and fell back asleep. and he's still sleeping. i miss him when he's not up in the mornings though. they are the most precious of times.

our sweet little darling. where has the time gone?

Monday, October 4, 2010

for those far away

good morning friends and family. i am sitting here watching luke sleep (the 5 month old that i am babysitting) and dawson jump up and down in his kangaroo jumper. what a good babysitter that thing can be. he is such a happy baby and we are so blessed for that.

we decided to create this blog for our family and friends who are far away and don't get to see us or catch up as much as we'd all like to. hopefully this well help keep every updated on dawson and our life. we stay so busy all the time with being new parents and school and work that it is hard to find the time to update everyone weekly, sometimes monthly. so we're hoping this helps.

luke is up now. i just fed him and now he is in his walker and dawson is in his jumper. they are so cute talking to each other. i wonder if they will learn anything new from one another. probably.

the house deal is still on, was just pushed back a few days. i never knew the complex process of buying a house until now. had i known, we may of waited. it will all work out though, we are confident. it will be a very good feeling when we no longer rent and have to worry about the possibility of damages. and it will feel more like home when we are able to customize more, too.

the holidays are fast approaching and i am so excited for all of the "first's" for dawson coming up in the near future. he is going to be a skunk (little stinker!) for halloween. his mimi bought it for him. so excited to see him in it. we will definitely post pictures. brad wants to take him trick or treating but i think we will just visit family and friends. i told him that seemed like 2 adults greedy for some free candy, and we should save it for the little kids who really deserve it. he agreed. he is the best man i know, by far.

brad has switched his major to nursing for those who didn't know. it will be a long 2 years as he completes the program, but when it is all said and done it will be very very worth it. he is really excited about his new studies. i think they will benefit us a lot more in the future. so does he.

i love that i wake up to dawson talking to himself. he is such a sweet child. when i walk over to his crib and look down on him, his deep dark brown eyes always light up. it's like they truly have a sparkle in them. and his smile, the most precious of all things, is enough to make any day beautiful.